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900 - Advancement

901 Fund Raising
902 ǿմý Foundation
903 ǿմý Alumni Association
904 Contact with Local, State and Federal Officials
905 ǿմý Political Action Committee
906 University e-Mail 
907 Publicity
908 University Publications
909 Statement of Accreditation of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 
910 Advertising and Marketing
911 Crisis Management Communication Plan

901 Fund Raising

It is the policy of ǿմý Foundation that all fundraising activities, to include campaigns and solicitations, must be approved by the Chancellor. The policy applies to new or continuing campaigns or solicitations initiated by any faculty or staff member, department or other unit of the University. (Approved Board of Trustees, September 10, 2005, review as needed) 

In implementing this policy, the Chancellor delegates coordinating authority for all University fundraising to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Relations and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Development. (Approved Board of Trustees, September 10, 2005, review as needed)

902 ǿմý Foundation

The Board of Trustees authorized the creation of a Foundation for ǿմý to assist the University in building its endowment through a coordinated donor program and sound investment policy thereby ensuring reliable resources for the future- see the ǿմý Foundation policies and procedures manual (Approved Board of Trustees, September 10, 2005, review as needed).902.1

The ǿմý Foundation will have an elected Board of Directors who are responsible for the prudent management and expenditure of funds under its control, subject to applicable provisions for which the funds were donated to the Foundation.


Supervisory authority for the Foundation is vested in the Chancellor of ǿմý who in turn reports to an Appointed Board of Trustees. The Chancellor delegates Foundation supervisory responsibility to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Relations. The Chancellor further delegates daily Foundation responsibility to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Development who, in turn, coordinates appropriate financial transactions with the Senior Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs and Online Education. These four positions are assigned ex-officio membership on the Foundation Board.


The Foundation Board has established policies and procedures for the solicitation, acknowledgement, investment, and disbursement of funds for the ǿմý Foundation (see ǿմý Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual).


The Foundation Board has established policies and procedures regarding the receipt of gifts-in-kind, insurance gifts, and deferred giving instruments for the ǿմý Foundation (see ǿմý Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual).


The Foundation Board has established a policy regarding endowment usage for the Troy University Foundation (see Foundation Spending Policy).


The Foundation Board has established policies regarding naming opportunities, donor recognition, and fund raising campaigns for the ǿմý Foundation (see Troy University Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual).

903 ǿմý Alumni Association


The Board of Trustees of ǿմý has recognized the establishment of the Troy University Alumni Association to provide a series of services and activities for persons who have attended ǿմý. The board coordinates with the Director of Alumni Affairs, under the supervision of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Development, the Senior Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Affairs, and the Chancellor, in activities with alumni of the University.

904 Contact with Local, State and Federal Officials

All contacts with local, state, and federal governmental officials must be coordinated through the Office of Governmental Relations.

905 ǿմý Political Action Committee


The ǿմý Political Action Committee (TROYPAC) was created in March 2003 for the express purpose of ensuring that the history, mission, and vision of Troy University is clearly understood and supported in the political processes of the State of Alabama. No state dollars are used to support the TROYPAC. The TROYPAC complies with the Code of Alabama, 1975-17-22A.

906 University e-Mail

This policy sets forth the acceptable format for ǿմý E-mail for faculty and staff. As another form of communication to our constituencies, E-mail should be considered in the same context and with the same restrictions as if using TROY letterhead stationery. See the TROY UNIVERSITY Style and Graphics Manual for more information on the letterhead.


The standard approved for the E-mail signature block gives the following information to identify the sender and give the recipient of the message the information needed to reply by letter, phone, fax, or E-mail:                 




Campus Address

Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

FAX: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Your E-mail address

Faculty or staff may attach the standard ǿմý business card visual for this required information if preferred.


The E-mail correspondence background may be white or include the graphic that is on the ǿմý letterhead as a watermark. See the ǿմý Style and Graphic Manual for usage of the seal and the guidelines for obsolete logos and graphics.

907 Publicity

The Chancellor of the University and appropriate designees are authorized to speak with the public and the representatives of the media to promote and inform about the Board of Trustees and ǿմý (i.e., policy matters, serious incidents, controversial topics, etc.). All news and media relations efforts must be coordinated and/or reviewed by the Office of University Relations.

908 University Publications

All official publications shall be published only under authority of the Chancellor or his/her designee.
909 Statement of Accreditation of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

When referring to the University's status of recognition by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the accredited status should be stated according to the SACSCOC guidelines.

910 Advertising and Marketing


All advertising and marketing activities, excluding promotional merchandise purchases through approved vendors, and including but not limited to strategic planning, creative work, media placement plans and optimization of advertising/promotional/public relations budgets and resources, must be coordinated and approved through the Office of Marketing and Communication. Advertising purchases are expected to generate external awareness and interest of the University's mission, activities, achievements and stature which will lead students to enroll. Consistent with University Policy on political activity (ePolicy Manual section 607.4), advertising purchases and related marketing activities may not endorse or support political activity or entities. All media plan invoices must be paid through the Office of Marketing and Communication.. All advertising, marketing and related costs must adhere to the ǿմý Contractual, Financial, and Personnel Authority Levels (Jan 27, 2004).


The ǿմý Style and Graphics Standards Manual, current edition, which details the ǿմý graphic standards program, is to be used in the preparation of all Marketing and Communication materials and in the use of all sanctioned social media platforms. (Chancellor's Office June 2004, review as needed) (June 2004 letter) (Updated April 18, 2013).


All trademarks and logos of the University constitute the property of the University. All use of trademarks or logos must be authorized by the Chancellor or by his/her designees.


Information published electronically must follow the same high standards as other forms of official publications.


Purchasing Promotional Items

When purchasing promotional items, all purchases must include at least one approved ǿմý mark that is available to licensed vendors through Strategic Marketing Affiliates (SMA). When promotional items are purchased, the official TROY colors of cardinal (PMS 202), black, silver or gray, when silver is not possible, will be utilized. The use of the TROY colors on white is permissible. The University will use the official seal in selected applications, often in legal documents and other ceremonial applications, such as the University diploma, and will be determined exclusively by the Chancellor or a designated representative. 

Approved: Cabinet, March 19, 2008


Advertising purchased on behalf of ǿմý, but not by ǿմý, must be approved for content, design and placement prior to purchase by the third party, and the source of funds must be indicated in the advertisement.


Crisis Management Communication Plan

In the event of a crisis involving ǿմý, the unit of Marketing and Communication will be in charge of ensuring that proper communication is achieved with all affected and interested parties, including, but not limited to, students, alumni, faculty, staff, news media and members of the community. The unit will coordinate communications with campus agencies, including, but not limited to, the Office of the Chancellor, The Division of Student Services, the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Relations. The ǿմý Crisis Communications Plan and related procedures will be followed in carrying out this policy. 

911.1 Purpose

This plan is designed to outline policies and procedures for the coordination of communications, both internally and externally, in the event of an emergency or controversial issue. Emergencies could include fires, major crimes, bomb threats or natural disasters. Controversial issues could include police investigations, protests or academic scandals such as plagiarism and cheating. A crisis can be broadly defined as any event or situation that can have a negative impact on the University’s reputation or financial well-being or that could place lives in jeopardy.

The goal of this plan is to provide guidelines for dealing with a variety of situations and to ensure that ǿմý officials and communicators are familiar with these procedures and their roles in the event of a crisis situation. The plan is designed to be used with the normal decision-making hierarchy of TROY and in no way supplants that process. This policy will be reviewed annually. An annual crisis communications drill will be required and a status report given to the Chancellor and the Executive/Senior Vice Chancellors.

This plan is designed to cover crisis communications issues only and is not interchangeable with any general crisis response plan of ǿմý. In addition, this plan does not change the way emergencies are initially reported. All emergencies on any TROY campus should initially be reported to the proper authorities. This policy addresses only the communication of the emergency or controversial issue(s) with the public.

911.2 Objectives

To assess a situation to determine whether a communications response is warranted.
To assemble a crisis communications team that will make recommendations on appropriate responses.
To identify constituencies that should be informed.
Communicate facts about the crisis.
Minimize rumors.
Restore order and/or confidence.


Crisis communications assessment:

The individual who encounters the potential crisis should gather accurate information from the appropriate sources. After gathering the facts, the appropriate individual should immediately consult one of the following (in descending order and where position is applicable to the affected campus):The Senior Vice Chancellor for Advancement and External Relations and the appropriate Executive/Senior Vice Chancellor depending on the nature of the crisis.

The Associate Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications and the appropriate Campus’ Vice Chancellor

The Director of University Relations and/or Coordinators of University Relations
These administrators/staffers will determine singly or collectively if a Crisis Communications Team should be convened for communicating to the public and will immediately inform the Chancellor and the appropriate campus vice chancellor. The composition of the crisis communications team may include any combination of the persons in the positions listed below, depending upon the nature of the crisis or the campus on which the crisis occurs:The appropriate Senior/Executive Vice Chancellor

Campus Vice Chancellor (and for University College if recommended by the University College Vice Chancellor, the Regional Director)

The Associate Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications

Director of University Relations

Campus Director of Advancement

Coordinators of University Relations

Dean of Students or a representative

Associate Provost(s)

Senior Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs and Online Education or a representative

Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

Director of Physical Plant or a representative

Principal in area affected (e.g. dean, director, department head)

Web Coordinator

University Attorney

Director of Governmental Relations

Chief of University Police/head of campus security

Director of Alumni Affairs or a representative

Director of Human Resources

Dean of Enrollment Management or a representative

Dean of International Programs or a representative

President of the Faculty Senate

Athletic Director or designee

Student representative

Campus Crisis Action Team Member


The Crisis Communications Team, after a brief assessment of the situation, should develop a plan of action to communicate the problem and our response to include some, or all, of the following:

Designate a spokesperson based on the nature of the situation

Continue fact-finding process. Review the official incident report form.  Questions to ask include:
Who, what, when, where, why and how?



Immediate action taken?

Corrective measures?

Action if emergency or controversial issue is sustained?

Draft a fact sheet to include a summary statement from the University and all known details that have been approved for release. The Crisis Communications Team Leader will confer with the Chancellor on further course of action for internal and external communications.

Notify key constituencies, internally and externally, in the manner appropriate to each constituency. Examples: Mass e-mail for faculty, staff and students, etc. or assign University Police Chief to contact peers in law enforcement agencies. Among the groups that should be considered for communications during crisis situations are:

Accreditation organizations

Administration, faculty and staff


Board of Trustees

Donors or funding agencies

Foundation Board

General public

Governmental agencies/elected officials

International constituents

Law enforcement agencies

Mass media

Military installations

Parents of students


Neighboring businesses/organizations

Web Coordinator(s)

Determine appropriate method of communication for each constituency, to include some or all of the following:
Direct communication: telephone or face-to-face

Mass media—press conference/statement/press release



Campus mail


Mass meetings

Dedicated phone lines with recorded messages

Staff crisis command center and establish media briefing center as needed.

Determine needs for campus photography and videography.

Identify need for secondary spokesperson(s) with specialized expertise.

Determine strategy for immediate internal communication

Notify key switchboards across the campus where to refer calls pertaining to the situation, to include:
Main switchboard

Chancellor’s Office

Executive/Senior Vice Chancellors offices

Campus Vice Chancellors

Associate Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications


Student Services/Dean of Students

Student Involvement

Human Resources

Director of University Relations

911.5 Procedures During Crisis

Appropriate designated personnel should review media regularly to ascertain coverage of the situation. Deliver clips to the appropriate administrators.

Set up information files in administration area that includes all clippings, letters, memoranda, statements and any other documents.

Provide inexperienced spokespersons with ongoing “coaching” and help them prepare for media interviews.

Take notes during crisis to be used in after-action review.

911.6 Recovery Procedures

Determine if further assistance of any victims is needed.

Determine if there is need for a campus-wide open meeting to review the crisis and the University’s response.

Ensure that any prevalent rumors have been addressed.

Hold after-action meeting

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