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East Alabama Chamber of Commerce

Partnership Overview

Phenix City Chamber

ǿմý is a proud partner of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce. The partnership offers a tuition scholarship to all full-time employees of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce and the full-time employees of active members of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce. Scholarships are applicable to all University degree programs and certificate programs, at all University locations including TROY Online offerings. Proof of eligibility is required. Please visit here for additional information regarding programs, tuition, etc.

For more information, contact Susan Nichols at 334-448-5104 or sparsons@troy.edu.

Features & Benefits

  • 10% tuition scholarship to all full-time employees of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce and the full-time employees of active members of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce (Effective January 2015)
    • For assistance with the employee tuition scholarship, please contact scholarships@troy.edu
    • The tuition scholarship is effective for enrollment in future terms and will not be applied retroactively.
  • Waived application fee

Proof of Eligibility is required. Please see “Steps to Take” below.

For additional information and to get started, please contact the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce partnership liaison:  Susan Nichols: 334-448-5104 or sparsons@troy.edu

Degree Programs


Full-time employees of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce receive a 10% tuition scholarship rates listed below.

Financial Aid

ǿմý is committed to providing exceptional service to students and their families who apply for financial assistance. The Office of Financial Aid offers a variety of services and programs designed to help you find ways to meet the costs of education. We want you to succeed at ǿմý.

For more information, go to.

Steps to receiving your partnership benefits


1. You can contact your personal partnership liaison for assistance at any time. Your liaison is the Montgomery campus admissions office, 334-241-9506 or M01admissions@troy.edu.

2. Review admission requirements here: Undergraduate/Graduate

3. Complete the ǿմý Application for Admission at troy.edu/admissions. Important information regarding your application process:

  • If you have already created a TROY Application Profile, you will need to login. If you have not yet created a profile, click “Create a profile” under the login button to do so. Once your profile is created and you are able to login, you will follow the “Next Steps” located at the bottom of the page to start your online application.
  • In order for your application fee to be waived, you will need to enter a Partnership Number on the payment screen. Your partnership liaison can provide you with this code after proof of eligibility.
  • To prove eligibility, ǿմý will accept an email verifying employment sent from an official Alabama State Employees Association email address which indicates the address of employment. Verification of participant eligibility shall be submitted to the partnership liaison and/or the participant's designated student services representative.

4. Submit transcripts, test scores, and letter of recommendation (graduate only) to ǿմý at the address given to you by your partnership liaison.

5. Complete Application for Financial Aid if desired: 

6. When the application is submitted, you will be contacted by an admissions representative that will help you through the admissions process for your selected academic program.


1. For new students, you will need to complete the admission process before registering for classes.

2. Once you have registered for at least one class for the upcoming term or semester, you will need to apply for the scholarship via Academic Works

3. Once applied, you will receive an email to your TROY with the offer. You will log back in to the  and accept the scholarship.

4. Your tuition scholarship will be applied to your account within 48 hours. 


When can I apply to ǿմý using these partner benefits?

The partnership with the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce and TROY was completed November 2014. All full-time employees of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce and the full-time employees of active members of the East Alabama Chamber of Commerce are eligible for these benefits once agreement is signed by both parties.

When will I start to receive the 10% tuition scholarship?

Your tuition scholarship will be applied to your account within 48 hours of accepting the scholarship. 

Who can I contact with more questions?

You may contact Susan Nichols at 334-448-5104 or sparsons@troy.edu.

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