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Customized Training

Professional Development Training and Consulting

Let us develop a training program that exactly suits the needs of your business. No matter how many employees you have, we can help you give them the training they need.   Continuing Education & Outreach at Troy can come to your organization!  Contact us to discuss your company and your training needs.

We have years of experience on staff ready to meet you.  The University, as a whole has numerous faculty members that can join our efforts develop programs specifically for your organization.

Our instructors have developed programs with excellence within every areas of city, county, state and federal government.  Our programs have benefited organizations in almost every industry – healthcare, accounting, banking, investments, retail, manufacturing, distribution, information technology, marketing, and communications, transportations, engineering, insurance, real estate, education, forestry, utilities, museums, churches, recreation, security, law enforcement and more.

Take a look at a thorough list of our subjects.  We can detail the programs to your needs or even combine two topics to meet your needs.

General Business

Customer Service
Goal Setting
Ethics in the Workplace
Humor in the Workplace
Break-through Thinking
Handling the Tough Customer
Telephone and Email Etiquette
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
DISC Temperament Styles
Resume Writing
Cultural Competence/Diversity
Branding and Marketing
Board Development
and more…

Management Development

Understanding Your Management Style
Effective Management Skills
Employee Performance Documentation
Moving from Supervisor to Leader
Performance Appraisal
Employee Discipline
Performance Coaching
Managing Problem Employees
Substance Abuse and Management
Workplace Violence
Motivating Employees
Counseling Employees
Employee Engagement
Managing Diverse Employees
Managing a Team
and more…

Legal Issues

The Many Faces of Harassment
Employment Issues in ADA
Legally Defensible Written and Oral Communication
Violence in the Workplace
Family and Medical Leave Act
Sexual Harassment
Discrimination in the Workplace

Individual Development

Understanding Communication Styles
Interpersonal Relationships Skills
Presentation Skills
Stress Management
Time Management
Personal Power (Boundaries and Attitude)
Employee Motivation
Purpose and Performance in Work
Generations at Work
Destination Success
Effective Sales
Learning Styles
Problem Solving
Conflict Management
Difficult People
Handling Emotions and Attitudes
Impression Management
and more…

Executive Leadership

Understanding Your Leadership
Effective Leadership
Leadership Challenge
Change Management
Strategic Planning
Critical Analysis and Thinking
Characteristics of Leaders
Leading and Directing Teams
Ethical Leadership
Organizational Development
Strategic Leadership
Communication Strategies
Interpersonal Relations
Stages of Leadership
Managing vs. Leadership
Executive Accountability
Managing Performance and Productivity
Selecting and Leading a Diverse Workforce
Creating Performance Teams
and more…

  Contact Continuing Education & Outreach at continuinged@troy.edu or 334-983-0005 for more information on scheduling.


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