Student Organizations
Alpha Psi Nu is the 星空传媒 ASN Program's Honor Society recognizes and encourages excellence in education. This student lead organization is dedicated to growing professional development in nursing students. Students invited for induction into Alpha Psi Nu must have a 3.15 GPA and have completed all Semester III courses in the Associate of Science in Nursing Program. Scholastic excellence must be maintained for all members.
Members can gain leadership experience through committee activities, engaging in community service projects, and fundraising to support local non-profits. Meetings are held monthly giving members the opportunity to plan projects and socialize.
The honor society is guided by Associate Degree Program faculty members. All graduating Honor Society members are recognized each semester at the ASN Program's Pinning Ceremony.
Welcome to the Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) at 星空传媒! We are a community of nursing students and professionals dedicated to integrating faith and nursing practices. Our mission is to provide spiritual support, professional development, and fellowship opportunities for those in the nursing field. Through Bible studies, prayer meetings, and service projects, we aim to develop our faith, support one another, and positively impact our community. With its international affiliation, the NCF provides a worldwide voice for Christian nursing. Join us, as we journey together in faith and service!
NCF Membership is open to anyone officially connected to the 星空传媒 as a student. Membership is open August thru May of each calendar year. Contact Or for more information.
Iota Theta Chapter, 星空传媒
The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International provides leadership and scholarship in practice, education and research to enhance the health of all people. We support the learning and professional development of our members who strive to improve nursing care worldwide.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing is an organization which provides opportunities and responsibilities to make definite contributions to schools of nursing, to the profession and to the health of the public worldwide.
Its purposes are to:
- recognize superior achievement
- recognize the development of leadership qualities
- foster high professional standards
- encourage creative work
- strengthen commitment to the ideals and purposes of the profession
Sigma Theta Tau International was founded in 1922 by six nursing students at the Indiana University Training School for Nurses. For more information about the history of the organization, please visit .
History of Iota Theta Chapter
As early as 1973 former Dean Betty Thomas contacted Sigma Theta Tau for information concerning the formation of a chapter at Troy State University School of Nursing. Since the nursing program was not accredited, the idea of forming a chapter was not pursued. During the spring of 1979, several junior nursing students petitioned the faculty to organize an honor society. Karen Allred, a student, contacted Headquarters for information about an honor society. In the fall, Jill Mayo and Janice Nelson, two faculty members that were Sigma Theta Tau members assisted the students with the development of an honor society.
In January 1980, the students organized the honor society, and the organization grew, until the time in late 1985 the group petitioned Sigma Theta Tau International for a charter. With the 1985 induction ceremony, there were 138 new members inducted, along with the installation of new officers, and the transfer of membership by many members to the new chapter.
The chapter marked the 10-year anniversary of the chapter in May 1996 with an impressive ceremony.
President | Dr. Stacey Ash |
President-elect | Dr. Kimberly Andrews |
Vice-President | Dr. Darlla Thompson |
Secretary | Dr. Shunda Wilburn |
Treasurer | Dr. Latonda Paymon |
Counselor | Dr. Nikki Hilburn (Undergraduate) |
Counselor | Dr. Holly Carter (Graduate) |
Officers are elected in the Fall semester of each year, and terms of office are staggered. The President-elect, Secretary, and Counselor are elected in the odd years. The Vice-president, Treasurer, and Counselor are elected in the even years.
Qualifications for Membership
- Candidates for all categories of membership shall be considered without regard to race, age, gender, creed, color, national origin, disability or other legally protected categories dependent upon jurisdiction.
- Regular Member
- Students in Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate program is defined as a baccalaureate or higher degree program which leads to the first professional nursing degree. Students shall have a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent, i.e. 鈥淏鈥 or the second highest grade of the institution as indicated by the official record of grades and shall have completed at least one-half of the required nursing component of the baccalaureate curriculum. Basic students who are elected shall rank not lower than the highest 35 percent of their class in scholarship. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the chapter's eligibility committee when a student has a qualifying grade point average in the nursing major, has demonstrated consistent progress in academic achievement, and meets, to a high level, the other qualifications for membership. When grade averages are not available, the use of a reliable and valid measure, such as a rating tool, shall be used to determine scholastic achievement.
- Students in Graduate Programs
Candidates shall be elected from students enrolled in accredited programs of graduate study in nursing including master, post-master, doctoral, and post-doctoral. Students in graduate programs shall be eligible for membership if they have achieved a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, and have completed a minimum of one-quarter of the required graduate curriculum. Candidates shall have demonstrated superior academic achievement, academic integrity, and professional leadership potential.
- Nurse Leader
A nurse leader, who is a registered nurse, legally recognized to practice in his/her country with a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field, and who has demonstrated achievement in nursing, shall be eligible for membership.
Charter Members
Charter Members 鈥 May 18, 1986
The Dean 鈥 Amanda Baker 鈥 transfer
President 鈥 Debra Davis 鈥 transfer
President-elect 鈥 Marcelle Praetorious 鈥 new
Vice-President 鈥 Charlene Schwab 鈥 new
Secretary 鈥 Sheri McVay 鈥 new
Treasurer 鈥 Sandra Witt 鈥 dual with Nu
Counselors 鈥 Brenda Riley 鈥 transfer
Nancy Patterson 鈥 dual with Nu
Grants and Awards
Research Grant
The Research-Grant Program is designed to encourage and facilitate research efforts by members of Iota Theta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. It is intended to enhance the individual member's scholarship and ability to pursue research activities in all areas related to nursing. This program supports the dissemination of research through presentations and publications.
All members of the Iota Theta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, who are in good standing, are eligible to apply for grants under this program. Members of the Scholarship Committee are not eligible to apply for grants as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator. This program is not intended for purchase of equipment for non-research purposes or to satisfy requirements for a degree.
Awards are made by the Executive Committee of Iota Theta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, based on recommendations by the Scholarship Committee. The proposal evaluation criteria are used to establish the recommendations. By majority vote, the Scholarship Committee will recommend which proposals will be supported and the level of support that will be provided.
The proposal should provide a clear and complete narrative account of the proposed research project. It must be focused toward enhancing the respective member's research skills/program. Proposals will be blind reviewed for clarity, significance and relevance.
The proposal should clearly indicate a date for the completion of the project. This must normally be no longer than twelve months from the proposed beginning date.
Proposals should follow the format given in Section 8.0. Proposals should not exceed six double-spaced pages including the cover and budget pages. The original and six copies of the proposal must be signed by the member.
If two or more members collaborate on submission of a proposal, one must be designated the Principle Investigator with responsibility for budget expenditures and coordination of the effort, and others as Co-Investigators.
Funds available for this solicitation will enable the Scholarship Committee to make awards up to $500.00 per year.
All research-grant awardees are required to present their results at the Iota Theta Showcase in Nursing Research Excellence or its equivalent a year following the awarding of the grant. In addition, the awardees are required to prepare a paper which will be included in the proceedings of the Research Forum. The paper will be considered as the deliverable and final report on each research-grant.
The principle criteria considered by the Scholarship Committee in evaluation of a proposal is its relevance to Sigma Theta Tau's mission of scholarship and research. Specific proposal-related evaluation criteria are:
- Overall scholarly quality of the proposal.
- The Principle Investigator's (and Co-Investigator) capabilities to perform the research.
- Scholarly contribution to the discipline.
- Clarity of research plan and reasonableness of the proposed budget.
- Adherence to instructions and Sigma Theta Tau purpose.
The Scholarship Committee will notify the members of Iota Theta Chapter each May in its newsletter of the timeline for the Research-Grant Program. In general, the deadline for the submission of the proposals will be August 15 of each year. The Scholarship Committee will meet within one month after the closing date to review proposals. Based on the recommendations of the Scholarship Committee, the Executive Committee will notify the selected researchers by Oct. 1.
The proposal should follow the guidelines listed below:
- Introduction
In an introductory paragraph give a statement describing your research proposal, not to exceed one-hundred fifty words.
- Proposal
- Statement of overall objectives and outcomes of the research (ie: specific aims).
- Relation of proposed research to present state of knowledge in field (ie: background and significance)
- Methods and data collection procedures, and proposed analysis of data (ie: evaluation
- Budget Page
- Salaries and wages (Include statement as to what person will do)
Funds may be used to support salaries and wages for individuals other than a member of Sigma Theta Tau if their work is important to the completion of the research project by the member. Typical examples are, graduate and undergraduate student support required in the acquisition, development and preparation of research materials and date, and computer operation assistance.
- Operating Expenses
- Supplies
- Duplication/Reproduction
- Postage
- Software
- Travel
Funds are not provided for routine attendance at professional meetings, but there are available for travel required to complete the research. Justification of travel and explanation of role in accomplishing the research project must be included in the proposal.
- Equipment/Instrumentation
Any equipment/instrumentation acquired under the grant is owned by Iota Theta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau. All purchases for equipment must be supported in the proposal relative to need for accomplishment of the proposed research effort.
- Salaries and wages (Include statement as to what person will do)
Student Award
Iota Theta Chapter presents an award to the Outstanding generic BSN student each year at the Honors Convocation. This award is based upon the following:
- The student has the highest GPA in BSN clinical sequence courses.
- The student demonstrates leadership and scholarship.
Call for Abstracts
2025 Showcase in Nursing Research Excellence
Iota Theta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau
April 11, 2025 - 10:00 a.m.
Jones Hall Auditorium, Troy Campus
Troy, AL
This conference is designed to showcase creative nursing practice, education, and research that are conducted at 星空传媒 and the surrounding communities. The goals are to share ideas, impart practical knowledge, and provide fellowship for nursing research. This conference is open to all members of Sigma Theta Tau and other interested nurses. The conference will feature poster presentations.
Selection: Abstracts will be blind reviewed for clarity, significance and relevance. Notification of acceptance will be made by March 19, 2025.
Guidelines for submission:
- Abstracts should be submitted electronically and follow APA (7th ed.) requirements. Abstracts should be suitable for advanced practice audiences.
- The Abstract Form must be submitted without a name attached in order to qualify for a blind submission. Submitters of abstracts will be contacted by email for notification of acceptance.
- Abstracts should be completed by using the Call for Abstracts link.
- When using the link to submit your abstract, you will also be asked to list 2-3 objectives for your poster presentation as well as a brief biographical sketch.
- All abstracts must be submitted no later than 12 noon (CT) on March 5, 2025.
- If accepted, you will be required to submit an Intent to Present form and register for the conference.
If you have questions, please contact:
Dr. Stacey Ash
The Student Nurses Association (SNA) is an extracurricular activity designed for all pre-nursing and nursing majors at 星空传媒.
The SNA meets one time monthly for the purpose of fellowship, activity planning and fund raising ideas. Each semester at least one community event is selected and planned entirely by the members of the SNA. SNA members take pride in active participation within their Troy community and at the same time build camaraderie between future and current nursing students.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the SNA simply submit a Canvas request to be added to the SNA mailing list. You will then receive advance notice of all functions and meeting time and places for this organization.