Student Media Competition | ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½


Student Media Competition

J-Day Student Media Competition

Schools participating in J-Day are invited to enter the Student Media Competition. Winners will be announced and awarded certificates during the opening ceremony. Entry in the competition is not mandatory for workshop attendees.

Tentatively, all entries must be postmarked by October 9, 2023 and arrive by October 13, 2023 to be considered for competition. 

Schools may submit up to three newspaper issues, television and/or radio broadcasts and a yearbook. Entries may be from the 2022-2023 school year. Entries should be filmed, written and/or photographed by a student. Entries from hired school videographers or photography companies will not be considered for awards. 

Competition Categories

  • Yearbook
    • Awards for typography, cover, layout and design, student coverage, theme, photography and overall yearbook
  • Newspaper
    • Awards for layout and design, student coverage, photography, sports coverage and overall newspaper.
  • Broadcast
    • Awards for news coverage, sports coverage, photography, anchors, overall television station/radio station.

Entries Must Include:

  • School Name
  • Adviser’s Name
  • Contact Information
  • Name of Publication
  • Number of Students Involved

Please mail entries to:
Hall School of Journalism & Communication
Attn: JDay Competition Entry
103 Wallace Hall
Troy, Alabama 36082

Broadcast entries may be emailed to: Be sure to put CONTEST ENTRY in the subject line. Emailed entries must arrive prior to noon on Friday, October 13, with a working and accessible link to be considered in the competition. 

Need more information?
Please contact the Hall School of Journalism and Communication at 334-670-3583, or

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