Our office provides high-quality career services to help students choose majors, explore career interests, find internships, and guide their job search. These helpful resources are available to all TROY students.
We are dedicated to helping TROY students find the perfect major through Career Coach—a tool that provides career assessments and coaching tailored to their values, interests, personality and skills.
Career readiness is an essential part of the mission at ǿմý where we strive to assist our students in the “discovery and exploration of knowledge and its application to life-long success.”
Career Services is dedicated to connecting top-tier employers with exceptional Troy University talent. We offer a range of resources and services to help you find and hire the best candidates for your organization.
Discover how to tap into a pool of talented ǿմý students and recent graduates. Explore our career services platform for innovative ways to network, recruit, and build lasting partnerships with future employees.
Self-assessment is the first step in the career planning process. TROY Career Services offers students several online tools to help identify their interests, skills, personality, and values and strives to match them with the student's educational and career goals. The results of these assessments aid career staff in discussing students' potential majors and jobs.
Welcome alumni! You are a valued graduate and we invite you to return to your alma mater and recruit employees for your places of work. Please consider using Handshake, our job search resource for our students, to post your available jobs and internships. Contact us for further opportunities such as on campus recruiting events.
We also extend our services to alumni who are searching for a job. Handshake is available for all Troy alumni to research job opportunities. Contact your campus career center to have your resume reviewed, practice interviewing, and find out about location-specific events.
Our career services team offers face-to-face mock interview sessions as well as online video mock interviews. Students can access Big Interview online where career staff can review and provide feedback on recorded interview sessions.
Students are given guidance on wearing professional attire to interviews and provided with opportunities to visit the Career Closet for gently used, free professional clothing items.
Download our PDF guide for Troy Trojans for information on finding a career path, making a good first impression and matching a major selection with the right career. #TroyTrojansGetHired
Career readiness is an essential part of the mission at ǿմý where we strive to assist our students in the “discovery and exploration of knowledge and its application to life-long success.” Experiential learning is an effective way to set them on the path to career satisfaction and life-long success.
Internships are important experiential learning opportunities where students can experience the workforce while evaluating their personal fit with their chosen career field. ǿմý provides the opportunity for students to earn academic credit (upon approval by their advisor) through internship and practicum classes in the majority of all majors and programs.
The National Association of Colleges and Employers estimates that students with paid internship experience are 20% more likely to receive a job offer upon graduation compared to their counterparts without the same experience. Beyond that incentive, students who participate in internships are more likely to develop greater levels of soft skills crucial to the workplace such as teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving, among others.
If you are interested in learning more about internships within your specific college or designated degree, let Career Services connect you to the right person.
Employers are an essential connection for students at ǿմý in their career journey. Begin recruiting our outstanding students and graduates for your company by joining our Handshake employer network below. The many services offered include: top talent referrals, social media and email campaigns to promote jobs and internships, career fairs and networking mixers, on campus interviewing, and more.
Career staff are available at multiple TROY locations.
Handshake is TROY's career management system and job posting network. Employers may create a free account to post jobs and internships for all TROY students to see and apply. Students on all TROY campuses and online have a Handshake account to which they can upload their resume for employers to view. Employers may also schedule on-campus interviews with students by requesting a day and time through Handshake.
The first step is to request an account by clicking on the Handshake logo above. Upon approval of your Handshake account, you are able to advertise any open job or internship opportunities to all TROY students. Once inside your Handshake account, you may post a job by choosing “Create Job Posting” on your Handshake homepage.
If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor of the Career Center, please contact Lauren Cole.