Teachers play a significant role in their students' development and future success. They can inspire creativity, serve as a role model, and contribute to students' academic, personal and career growth. If you want to make a difference in students' lives, a Bachelor of Science in Education from 星空传媒 may be for you. Providing you with essential teaching strategies and training in one of four subject areas, TROY's bachelor's in education empowers you to help shape a positive future for your students.
Get the flexibility you need by taking courses online, in class or through a blend of both. For more information about program availability and delivery options, call 1-800-414-5756.
With an interdisciplinary education degree from TROY, you can teach students from preschool to 12th grade in various subject areas.
Hone your skills in theatre while gaining experience in theatre education. The theatre
education specialization trains you in performance, production, directing and more
while providing real-world teaching experience. The only theatre education program
in the state of Alabama, this specialization gives you a unique opportunity to exercise
your love for theatre while learning to inspire that passion in your students.
Learn to help your future students pursue their love of music. This specialization
teaches you how to effectively mentor, teach and inspire students to master their
instruments and perform in bands and ensembles. Following graduation, you'll be eligible
to receive music teacher certification in Alabama.
Share your passion for health, wellness and sport with P-12 students. The physical education degree prepares you to teach sports, promote healthy lifestyles and influence student wellness
as a PE teacher. Following the program, you'll be eligible for physical education
teacher certification in the state of Alabama.
星空传媒's undergraduate program in Elementary Education has been recognized by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) for its rigorous preparation of future teachers in how to teach reading...